Empowered Families
"We should not be asking who this child belongs to, but who belongs to this child."
For women & families who choose adoption, we provide Adoption Coaching and Support. We believe openness is best for families connected through adoption, therefore we specialize in Open Adoption. We emphasize mutual respect, open & honest communication, and shared expectations in their relationships. Our goal is to empower families to develop healthy, life-long relationships with a shared consideration for everyone's well-being and the child’s needs.
We believe families thrive when the parents are equipped to meet the unique needs of their children beginning from the crucial years of infancy and continuing through to adulthood. We specialize in Parenting Support and Coaching to parents of children who were adopted. We focus on infant & early childhood mental health, child development, grief/loss experience, and emotional wellness. Our goal is to promote strong family foundations through secure attachment, healthy relationships, open & honest dialogue, and acceptance.
Open Adoption Planning & Support
Family-Centered Support for birth parents & adoptive parents
A combination of individual and joint sessions with prospective and/or current birth and adoptive parents. Services will include:
Education on open adoption and the benefits.
Support in navigating initial contact/communication, relationship building, and the emotional experiences in the adoption process
Joint discussions to strengthen relationships, gain a mutual understanding of expectations, boundaries, and contact preferences
Discussion and creation of an Open Adoption Agreement.

Adoption Support & Coaching
for prospective adoptive parents
1:1 coaching to adopting parents expanding their family through adoption. Services include:
Basic education on the adoption process​, best practices, supporting prospective and working with ethical adoption professionals & entities
Preparation for parenting an adopted child with a focus on ongoing emotional needs (i.e. understanding of grief/loss experience, planning for ongoing adoption conversations, as well as special considerations for transracial adoption, prenatal exposure to substances, medical and mental health family history, etc)
Guidance and support to home study approved adopting parents who are in the "wait period" or who have been "matched" with an expectant mother on how to navigate open & honest conversations, relationship building, and to prepare for the hospital stay and placement.

Adoption Support & Coaching
for expectant / birth parents
Empowerment & support to expectant / birth parents during the adoption process to ensure informed choices are made related to family building options, reproductive rights, adoptive family preferences, and desired level of openness in adoption.
Emotional support to expectant / birth parents pre-and/or post-placement to address:
Grief/loss experience
Preparing for birth & hospital stay
Preparing for adoptive placement
How to share adoption plan/story with loved ones
Navigating role as birth mother/father
Personal goal-setting

Adoptive Parenting Support & Coaching
for Adoptive Parents
1:1 coaching for adoptive parents navigating parenthood and the lifelong experience of adoption.
Building healthy and secure attachment & bond with your infant/child
Learn attachment-focused, positive parenting techniques
Navigating adoption conversations and needs with your aging child.
Navigating ongoing relationships and connections with your child's birth parents / family